Description: This theme represents the geographical limits of agricultural expansion zones in the Republic of Congo. This layer consists of areas for agropastoral, agriculture, livestock and plantation. The attributes of the layer provide information on the type of crops planted as well as administrative areas and GIS. The original data were created by the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Livestock. The digitization of the layer was made based on the landsat images.
Service Item Id: 715c93767c0849998b21ea6ed167755d
Copyright Text: Copyrights go mainly to the Ministry of Forest Economy for Sustainable Development and Environment (MEFDDE) and to the World Resources Institute (WRI), which developed it as part of the CNIAF-WRI Forest Atlas project.
Description: This theme brings together the geographical limits of oil licenses in the Republic of Congo. This layer consists of operating licenses, research permits and prospecting permits. The attributes of the layer give information on all the sites and the various oil companies. This dataset is created as part of the production of the Congo Interactive Forest Atlas Version 1.0 and updated for version 2.0. The original data was produced as part of the WRI - CNIAF project funded by ITTO. They were digitized through the combination of Landsat images, national topographic maps (IGN, CERGEC) and the official classification documents (decree) of the Ministry of Hydrocarbons.
Service Item Id: 715c93767c0849998b21ea6ed167755d
Copyright Text: Copyrights go mainly to the Ministry of Forest Economy for Sustainable Development and Environment (MEFDDE) and to the World Resources Institute (WRI), which developed it as part of the CNIAF-WRI Forest Atlas project.
Description: This theme groups the geographical boundaries of Ramsar sites in the Republic of Congo. These layers are identified as wetlands of international importance and are located in the departments of Likouala, Sangha, Cuvette-Ouest, Cuvette, Niari, Pool and Kouilou. The attributes of Ramsar sites in the Republic of Congo provide information on the names of each site, the different dates of allocations and the GIS areas of each zone. The original data were produced by the maps downloaded from the Ramsar site ( and the boundaries were scanned from the data.
Service Item Id: 715c93767c0849998b21ea6ed167755d
Copyright Text: Copyrights go mainly to the Ministry of Forest Economy for Sustainable Development and Environment (MEFDDE) and to the World Resources Institute (WRI), which developed it as part of the CNIAF-WRI Forest Atlas project.
Description: This theme covers the geographical boundaries of Forest Management Units (UFA) in the Republic of Congo. According to the Forest Code, UFAs consist of one or more concessions. The boundaries of FMUs have been developed within the framework of the CNIAF-WRI forest atlas project. The attributes of the FMUs provide information on the status, operating agreement, year of allocation and annual volume of logging. The original data was created as part of the WRI - CNIAF project funded by ITTO. This layer represents the state of play, the most recent being from 2002 to 2016
Service Item Id: 715c93767c0849998b21ea6ed167755d
Copyright Text: Copyrights go mainly to the Ministry of Forest Economy for Sustainable Development and Environment (MEFDDE) and to the World Resources Institute (WRI), which developed it as part of the CNIAF-WRI Forest Atlas project.
Description: This theme groups the geographical boundaries of the development series in the Republic of Congo. These management series are essentially located in the north of the country in the sangha and likouale departments within the Ngombé, Pokola, Kabo, Loundoungou-toukoulaka and Mokabi dzanga forest concessions. In accordance with Article 24 of Decree 2002-437 of 31 December 2002 laying down conditions for the management and use of forests, management series are divided into production, protection, Community development. The original data was produced by the forestry companies (CIB, IFO and Mokabi S.A.) for the Ngombé, Pokola, Kabo, Loundoungou-toukoulaka and Mokabi dzanga concessions under the CNIAF-WRI Atlas Forestier project; Within the framework of the ITTO project (WRICNIAF). They were then digitized on the basis of Landsat imagery, national topographical maps (IGN, CERGEC) and official classification documents. Nevertheless, the quality of these data may vary depending on the source. This layer therefore does not guarantee the exhaustive presence of all the limits of the series of improvements present in the country.
Service Item Id: 715c93767c0849998b21ea6ed167755d
Copyright Text: Copyrights go mainly to the Ministry of Forest Economy for Sustainable Development and Environment (MEFDDE) and to the World Resources Institute (WRI), which developed it as part of the CNIAF-WRI Forest Atlas project.
Description: This theme regroups the geographical limits of mining permits in the Republic of Congo. This data set consists of operating and research permits, the attributes of the layer include information on mining companies, operating and research areas. The original cartographic data have been produced by WRI, the Ministry of Mine and Geology based on official documents (decree, decree ...) "official journal". The layer is used for the production of the Interactive Forest Atlas of Congo online. Updates are made regularly every six months.
Service Item Id: 715c93767c0849998b21ea6ed167755d
Copyright Text: Copyrights go mainly to the Ministry of Forest Economy for Sustainable Development and Environment (MEFDDE) and to the World Resources Institute (WRI), which developed it as part of the CNIAF-WRI Forest Atlas project.
Description: This theme groups the geographical boundaries of the network of Protected Areas in the Republic of Congo, composed of national parks, biosphere reserves, wildlife reserves, forest reserves, community reserves, hunting areas, and gorillas and chimpanzee sanctuaries. These are the most recent information available on the boundaries of the various forest areas reserved for biodiversity conservation and wildlife management. The original cartographic data have been produced by WRI, the Ministry of the Forest Economy of Sustainable Development and Environment (MEFDDE), and the National Center of Inventory and Forest Management (CNIAF) A joint project funded by the International Tropical Timber Organization (ITTO). These were updated by the WRI-MEFDDE / CARPE Project to produce an Interactive Forest Atlas of the Congo: version 1.0. In accordance with the decree establishing and defining the Lossi Sanctuary, the WRI -MEFDDE / CARPE Project has had to modify the geographical boundaries of the Lossi Sanctuary and the boundary of the southern part of the Dimonika Biosphere Reserve , In order to update the protected areas file in the context of the production of version 2.0 of the Interactive Atlas of Congo. Law 37-2008 of 28 November 2008 on wildlife and protected areas sets out the fundamental principles and general conditions for the conservation and sustainable management of wildlife, habitats and ecosystems in the Republic of Congo. Protected areas emanate from the Decree of the Council of Ministers and are classified as national parks, integral nature reserves, wildlife reserves, special reserves or sanctuaries, areas of hunting interests. Protected areas are under the control of the State regardless of their status; Local communities, private operators, relevant associations and NGOs, contribute to the sustainable management of wildlife in the Republic of Congo. In protected areas and natural areas accessible to the public, tourism activities related to the observation of wildlife and its habitats are organized by public or private operators in accordance with the texts in force.
Service Item Id: 715c93767c0849998b21ea6ed167755d
Copyright Text: Copyrights go mainly to the Ministry of Forest Economy for Sustainable Development and Environment (MEFDDE) and to the World Resources Institute (WRI), which developed it as part of the CNIAF-WRI Forest Atlas project.
Description: This theme covers the geographical boundaries of the districts in the Republic of Congo. The original data comes from the National Imaging and Mapping Agency (NIMA), VMAP Level 1.0. They were adapted for the creation of the districts of the Republic of Congo as part of version 3.0 of the Atlas based on topographic maps (INC fund) at the scale of 1: 200 000. This layer represents an overall view of the national boundaries and does not correspond to the official boundaries. There is no legal process for validating these data.
Service Item Id: 715c93767c0849998b21ea6ed167755d
Copyright Text: Copyrights go mainly to the Ministry of Forest Economy for Sustainable Development and Environment (MEFDDE) and to the World Resources Institute (WRI), which developed it as part of the CNIAF-WRI Forest Atlas project.
Description: This theme regroups the geographical limits of the Annual Cup Plates within the Forest Exploitation and Management Units (UFA, UFE) in the Republic of Congo. These Annual Cup Plates are mainly those of forest concessions located in the northern part of the Congo, namely Ngombé, Pokola, Kabo, Loundungou-toukoulaka, Ipendja, Lopola, Mokabi-Dzanga, Bétou and Misse and a branch in southern Congo. Is Boubissi. CAA attributes provide information about the name of the concession, the holder, year of annual maximum volume (VMA), and GIS area in hectares. The original cartographic data, on a scale of 1:50 000, was created by the WRI-MEFDDE / CARPE Project as part of the CNIAF-WRI Forest Atlas project, based on official documents of annual harvesting permits granted to companies The update is carried out according to the availability of the data. However, the quality of this data may vary according to the sources. The rights of use, reproduction and dissemination of this data are reserved for a free use and not lucrative.
Service Item Id: 715c93767c0849998b21ea6ed167755d
Copyright Text: Copyrights go mainly to the Ministry of Forest Economy for Sustainable Development and Environment (MEFDDE) and to the World Resources Institute (WRI), which developed it as part of the CNIAF-WRI Forest Atlas project.
Description: This theme brings together the geographical limits of Carpe landscapes in the Republic of Congo. These layers are identified as conservation areas and are located in the departments of Likouala, Sangha, plateaux, Niari and Kouilou. The attributes of Carpe landscapes in the Republic of Congo, provide information on the management authority (WCS / WWF), the different GIS areas and the toponyms of each site. . The CARPE (Regional Program for the Environment in Central Africa) program is a major program of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) on conservation in Central Africa. The CARPE program, officially in place since 2003, has the strategic objective of reducing the rate of forest degradation and loss of biodiversity through the strengthening of local, national and regional capacity for sustained natural resource management. The limits of this layer come from the official documents of the CARPE partners and from satellite imagery. The quality of these data may vary depending on the source.
Service Item Id: 715c93767c0849998b21ea6ed167755d
Copyright Text: Copyrights go mainly to the Ministry of Forest Economy for Sustainable Development and Environment (MEFDDE) and to the World Resources Institute (WRI), which developed it as part of the CNIAF-WRI Forest Atlas project.
Description: This theme brings together the national boundaries of the countries of Central Africa. The original data is produced from the digital map of the world from the United States National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA) Borders of the countries of Central Africa on a scale of 1: 200,000. This layer represents an overall view of the regional boundaries and does not correspond to the official boundaries. There is no legal process for validating these data.
Service Item Id: 715c93767c0849998b21ea6ed167755d
Copyright Text: Copyrights go mainly to the Ministry of Forest Economy for Sustainable Development and Environment (MEFDDE) and to the World Resources Institute (WRI), which developed it as part of the CNIAF-WRI Forest Atlas project.
Description: This theme regroups the geographical boundaries of the departments in the Republic of Congo. The original data has been created in the context of the production of the Interactive Forest Atlas of Congo Version 3.0.Limits of territorial spaces regrouping several districts, placed under the authority of Prefets. The data for this set were produced using topographic maps (INC bottom) at the scale of 1: 200 000. This layer represents an overall view of the departments and does not correspond to the official boundaries. There is no legal process for validating these data.
Service Item Id: 715c93767c0849998b21ea6ed167755d
Copyright Text: Copyrights go mainly to the Ministry of Forest Economy for Sustainable Development and Environment (MEFDDE) and to the World Resources Institute (WRI), which developed it as part of the CNIAF-WRI Forest Atlas project.
Description: This theme groups the geographical boundaries of forest concessions in the Republic of Congo. These concessions consist of allocated conssions, some of which are managed (UFA: forest management unit) and unallocated concessions. The Forest Exploitation Units (UFE) and Development Units (UFA), are intended for the exploitation of timber by the logging companies. The concessions are attributed to the companies through the official texts (Decree, decree ...) deliberated by the government. The original cartographic data for these concessions were produced by WRI, the Ministry of the Forest Economy for Sustainable Development and Environment (MEFDDE) and the National Center for the Inventory and Management of Forest and Wildlife Resources (CNIAF) As part of a joint project funded by the International Tropical Timber Organization (ITTO). The information included in this layer of data extends until 04 May 2016 with the appearance of a new concession in the north of the country in the department of sangha called Karagoua. The exploitation of natural forests in the domain of the State is carried out in accordance with Article 65 of the Forest Code (Law 16-2000 of 20 November 2000 on the Forest Code) and the management conditions are laid down in Decree 2002- 437 of 31 December 2002 laying down conditions for the management and use of forests. The attributes of the layer include information on the different names of the consignments, the geographical location, the operating company and the overburden. This layer covers the whole country and has about 60 forest concessions with an area of 15 288 927 ha or 44 , 52% of the total area of the Congo, including 50 forest concessions allocated "over 14,144,32 ha" with 15 concessions (5,733 50 ha) and ten unallocated concessions "area of 1,104,60 ha".
Service Item Id: 715c93767c0849998b21ea6ed167755d
Copyright Text: Copyrights go mainly to the Ministry of Forest Economy for Sustainable Development and Environment (MEFDDE) and to the World Resources Institute (WRI), which developed it as part of the CNIAF-WRI Forest Atlas project.
Description: This theme represents the geographical limits of agro-industrial plantations in the Republic of Congo. This layer is composed of large and medium-scale planting areas. The attributes of the layer provide information on the types of plantations and crops as well as their administrative areas and GIS. The original data were created by the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Livestock. The digitization of the layer was made based on the landsat images.
Service Item Id: 715c93767c0849998b21ea6ed167755d
Copyright Text: Copyrights go mainly to the Ministry of Forest Economy for Sustainable Development and Environment (MEFDDE) and to the World Resources Institute (WRI), which developed it as part of the CNIAF-WRI Forest Atlas project.
Description: This theme covers the surface hydrographic network in the Republic of Congo. This layer is represented in sufacic form and consists of lakes, dams, islands, pond, pond, reservoir and oceans. This layer covers the whole country. This layer was digitized on the basis of Landsat images and documented on the basis of national topographic maps on a scale of 1: 200 000 (IGN, CERGEC).
Service Item Id: 715c93767c0849998b21ea6ed167755d
Copyright Text: Copyrights go mainly to the Ministry of Forest Economy for Sustainable Development and Environment (MEFDDE) and to the World Resources Institute (WRI), which developed it as part of the CNIAF-WRI Forest Atlas project.
Description: This theme groups the boundaries of the Republic of Congo. The attributes of the layer inform about the population of the country in 2005, area and different ISO code. The original data is produced from the World Digital Map from the US National Geospatial Intelligence Agency (NGA) at a scale of 1: 200,000. This layer represents an overall view of the national boundaries and does not correspond to the official boundaries. There is no legal process for validating these data.
Service Item Id: 715c93767c0849998b21ea6ed167755d
Copyright Text: Copyrights go mainly to the Ministry of Forest Economy for Sustainable Development and Environment (MEFDDE) and to the World Resources Institute (WRI), which developed it as part of the CNIAF-WRI Forest Atlas project.